

Our last post introduced Provisioning Hacker & IR Builds, and the Fire-eye provisioning scripts:

These are useful to quickly provision a Windows 7/10 image retrospectively for the red/blue teams with all their familiar tools.

These scripts are built on top of Chocolatey, but what is chocolatey, and how do we use it…


The package manager for Windows Chocolatey - Software Management Automation

  • Easily manage all aspects of Windows software (installation, configuration, upgrade, and uninstallation). Chocolatey is the most reliable when software is included in the package, but can also easily download resources.
  • Take advantage of PowerShell to provide automated software management instructions and Chocolatey’s built-in module to turn complex tasks into one line function calls!


Just open Powershell (as Administrator) and copy and paste the following line:

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))

Chocolatey should now be installed

Example 1: Install nmap

It’s this simple

choco install nmap

choco install nmap

Should you wish uninstall nmap

choco uninstall nmap

Example 2: List installed and managed packages

We use the list command with the -lo (local) flag

choco list -lo

choco list

Here you can see other packages that we’ve installed like Ghidra, 7zip, ilspy and their dependancies.

All managed through chocolatey.

Example 3: Upgrading packages with ease:

choco upgrade all

choco upgrade all

Above you can see that we have one package that is newer than the default public repository.

This is because we have installed our own internal chocolatey repository, and added our own packages

Hosting a Chocolatey

The main instructions can be found here chocolatey server.

Listing current servers

choco source list

choco source list

You can see that we’ve added our own server choco-ns, hosted internally on one of our test networks.

To add your own sources

choco source add -n="my_server" -s="http://my_choco_server/chocolatey/"
choco enable -n="my_server"

To remove a server

choco disable -n="my_server"
choco remove -n="my_server"

Hosting from a cifs share or github

You dont have to build your own chocolatey server.

Instead you can host the packages folder on a cifs/smb share, or from a git folder

git clone

Install Ghidra

cd chocolateypackages/packages/ghidra
choco install ./ghidra.nuspec

choco install Ghidra

We have already installed Ghidra! Hence the small error message.

But this example shows you how easy it can be to manage your own repository, and with a number of scheduled commands (or a script), you can keep your packages on Windows up-to-date.

git pull
choco upgrade all

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